Everything changes

Everything changes

Everything changes
…and with incredible speed
Here today, tomorrow gone
When you see that warm light
On those spring leaves…
The pain in that moment, it’s quickly passing…
oh, I know!
But don’t let it win
Take some time
A brief moment
And just enjoy.

(My thoughts on May 1, 2013)

Winter, south-Swedish style

This winter, I spent two weeks in my hometown Lund, southern Sweden, to celebrate Christmas and the New Year.

Despite what a lot of non-Swedish people think, snow is not abundant all over the country in the winter! In the South, the temperatures tend to hover around 0 degrees Celsius at that time of year.

But a couple of days after my arrival, my neighborhood was covered with a delicate light white layer …which soon disappeared again.

Here are some of my impressions. The last two pictures are taken on a beautifully foggy day at Rögle Dammar, a bit outside of Lund.

Enjoy 🙂







Lately, I’ve taken a fancy to out of focus photography (some call it “soft focus”)

Here are som impressions of dusk in my neighbourhood – Xujing Town, Shanghai, P.R. China.

Enjoy 🙂




Bauhaus-wannabee in the hinterlands

Some days ago, I visited JSWB Furniture Center, not far from my home in the shanghainese hinterlands. It was not to buy furniture, though. I have driven by the center before, saying to myself “I must to go there and photograph some day…”

JSWB is an absolutely huge place, that I would classify as “chinese grandeur tries to go Bauhaus”. It’s almost devoid of human life and has “Für Elise” blaring out of loudspeakers both in the buildings and outside.

In other words, formidably fascinating. At least for me 😉

Enjoy my pictures.















It’s complicated (relationships: the miniversion)

Can I tell you my story? Confide in you?

Well…it’s complicated, you see…

But still, I hold on. Yes, I do. I hold on.




New Town Central Park

There is this park in Shanghai, New Town Central Park, nothing special about it really, but the more I’m out and about with my camera, the more I realize that finding interesting things to photograph is not very much about where you are – it is about you, and your ability to see things.

So I visited this park on a very hot and humid August afternoon. These are some of my impressions.

Enjoy 🙂

What once was

I’ve spent the summer in my native Sweden, and one of the most enjoyable things I did was spontaneous road trips around the countryside, armed with my camera.

Now Sweden is a beautiful place, and I shot some very nice views…but as you who follow this blog may have noticed, nice views are not my favorite photo objects. I am much happier if I find and manage to shoot deserted houses and amusement parks, strange shadows on walls, desolate roads and stuff like that 😉

One day I found this deserted farm house very near my Swedish home. It was a totally fascinating place, but also kind of eerie and very sad, because of looting and grave decomposition. What I chose to photograph was details and views that I still found beautiful

Enjoy my images.


House 193

Very near my home, in Xujing west of Shanghai, lies House 193. I’ve walked past it many times, fascinated by the slightly eerie decay of this place. Today, I decided to take my camera with me and document it.

Mostly, I let these photos speak for themselves. Enjoy 🙂


The bridge leading up to House 193.



















Somebody used to cook here.


Footsteps on the door.





Yours truly 😉

At the fish market

This week I visited the big fish market right by Zhenru subway station here in Shanghai. I do love fish and seafood, but when visiting a market, I am equally interested in the people who work and shop there 😉

Enjoy my pics 🙂

Very fresh indeed.

This lady got a good, full catch at the market today…

Ready to be handled, 1.

Ready to be handled, 2.

Some fun at your workplace you should have!

Salmon and such.

Happy face! Mom is on lunch break and I get to spend time with her 🙂

Makes my mouth water.

Waiting for customers.

Not a very happy face.

On display.

Goofing off with friends is always nice…

… some, however, totally focus on explaining to presumtive customers why their shop is the best in the whole market!

Ohhhhh, I should have bought. But, then again, I can always go back…

Beach life, Hainan style

I just came home from a couple of days in Hainan, a.k.a. The Hawaii of China. Well. I’ve never been to Hawaii, so I don’t know how accurate that “nickname” is. But I did like the place very much, especially the gorgeous beaches.

Here are some impressions of beach life in Hainan. All these photos I took with my mobilie phone (Sony Ericsson Mini Pro), and processed them with “Lomo kamera”, an android app that I am very much in love with at the moment 😉

Enjoy my pictures 🙂


Before the storm


Deserted flower


Is it just me detecting a big smile here?


“Sweetie, did you put on enough sun screen?”


Leading line.


Anyone for beach volley?


Me, grandma and the ocean.


Pigtail Princess and dad venturing out in the water.


Sweetheart and me texting away close by the waves.

